Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Politics and barack my point of view

hi guys i didn't write for so long now but now i am back and i want to talk about politics this time politics is something dirty for now (and it's bad) some people in the most powerful positions will try to sell u anything and everything to get what they want! barack obama is 1 of those people politics is something powerful and some people are obsessed by it and barack is 1 of those people politics is something that effect us all anywhere and everywhere around the globe and some people in the politics don't give a fuck and despite what they promised to u they will do what they want anyways in my eyes barack is 1 of those people where is Oprah? or that affair is no more between those 2? obama is a Muslim do u think that a Muslim guy can lead united states of America and the world at this time? i think not esp not after the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and thats just a little bit of my point of view about barack if i had the chance to vote i would vote for Clinton for sure !


Anonymous said...

First of all Barack Obama is not a Muslim. At least do a little research before you write blatant lies. The fact that you assumed that he is Muslim is worse than the people who want to close the borders that you wrote about Jan. 10th. A little research wouldn't hurt you.

Ron said...

hes name is Barack Hussein Obama !and hes second name Hussein is not a Jewish name and not a Christian name either
i didn't met anyone who is Christian or Jewish with the name Hussein (as first or middle name i don't care )did u? i did met only Muslims with this name!

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